Von Roll wins another major deal in the e-mobility industry

Von Roll Automotive will be supplying Audi’s future electric vehicle systems with insulating components for electric drives. The nomination is associated with a contract volume in the double-digit million euro range.

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Ad-Hoc Announcement

Electromobility graphic

Jens Lange, Managing Director of Von Roll Automotive, comments: “We are very proud that Audi has picked us as a long-term, strategic partner. As the global leader for electrical insulation systems, Von Roll has innovative solutions that offer performance benefits far above current market standards. This allows the efficiency and durability of electric drives to be raised to the next level”.

The latest success shows that Von Roll is well positioned to support large corporations in their electrification strategy. The Von Roll Automotive team works very closely with various international vehicle manufacturers and research institutes in this field. This applies not only to electric motors, but also and especially to the safety of high-voltage storage systems for hybrid and electric vehicles.


About Von Roll Holding AG: As a Swiss industrial company, Von Roll Holding AG focuses on products and systems for power generation, transmission, storage and distribution. Von Roll is a global market leader for electrical insulation products, systems and services and has a worldwide presence in 12 production sites with around 1,050 employees. The company supplies customers in over 80 countries.



Claudia Güntert
Head of Corporate Communications
& Investor Relations
T +41 61 785 52 36
F +41 61 785 58 92
E press@vonroll.com


This press release is based on information currently available. Unforeseeable risks and influences may lead to discrepancies with the statements made here. For more information on the company and its business performance, please refer to the Annual and Semi-Annual Report of Von Roll Holding AG which is available in digital form at https://www.vonroll.com/en/.