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  • Fi­nan­cial Re­port 2023

    In the fiscal year 2023, the Von Roll Group continued its positive business performance.

  • Winding Insulation – Impregnating Resins, Varnishes & Coatings

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    Invitation Extraordinary General Meeting

    Only in German.

  • Semi-Annual Report 2023

    In the first half of the current fiscal year 2023, the Von Roll Group was able to continue its positive business trend.

  • Annual Report Von Roll 2022 title

    Annual Report 2022

    For the past fiscal year, the Von Roll Group can look back on a positive business performance. For the upcoming fiscal year 2023, demand in our core markets is expected to remain stable.

  • Deckblatt Halbjahresbericht 2022

    Semi-Annual Report 2022

    The past half-year was again impacted by isolated lockdowns, particularly in Asia, due to COVID-19. This was compounded by macropolitical turbulence triggered by the Ukraine conflict, which put additional strain on already fragile supply chains.

  • Cover of annual Report 2021

    Annual Report 2021

    Once again, the past financial year has been dominated by the global pandemic. Although the global markets have now adapted better to the disruptions caused by the pandemic, repeated waves of infection, significant supply chain disruptions and surging raw material…

  • Semi Annual Report 2021

    Semi Annual Report 2021

    We have gone through a period of several years of restructuring, which included divesting unprofitable business units, increasing productivity, modernizing our products and management systems, and restoring our financial strength.

  • Poly Glas Cover Sheet

    Poly Glas Banding Tapes

    Poly Glas® banding tapes are B-stage (semi-cured) unidirectional glass fiber tapes that are soft and sticky for easy application. After curing, they form a homogeneous, hard and tough ring.

  • Insulating Systems for the Repair Industry

    Mica is an excellent insulator that is commonly used in formed coil and fi eld coil applications. The commitment of Von Roll to mica is unique, starting with mining of the raw mica followed by production of paper and mica…

  • Battery Composite Cover Sheet

    Battery Products

    Von Roll is the global leader in electrical and thermal insulation solutions in the automotive, energy and industrial sectors, providing solutions to new trends.

  • Cover Sheet Mica Max Broschure

    Mica Max

    The demand for higher power density is leading to ever higher operating temperatures in high-voltage machines. Electrical insulation systems are needed that resist the increased thermal and electrical stresses.
